Homeopathy Community part 2
NASH – experienced a 20'% increase in registered members (RSHom (NA). The student liaison program is in its second year and plans call for increased activity in the fostering of tomorrow's homeopaths. American Homeopath will again be published. They are reviewing their grievance process and the Code of Ethics. NASH is a member of the International Council of Homeopathy and a representative attended the inaugural meeting in Germany in October 2007. NASH was represented at the Ontario homeopathic coalition and Canada now has passed C-171 into law, allowing homeopathy to be regulated under the RHPA. The website is improving.
AIH – Dr. Iris Bell, AIH member, Dr. Rustum Roy and Dr. Andre Saine participated in an NCH sponsored webcast at the University of Connecticut. The conference is available online at the AIH and NCH websites. In the new website, AIH is now linked to affiliated organizations, given is a list of courses and teaching programs, as well as a section advertising books written by their members. They have endorsed Dr. Todd Rowe's distant learning program. Letters have been sent regarding articles or other published material speaking against homeopathy.
ABHt – Facilitated the process for three candidates for the Diplomate Examination for certification . Encouraged certification activity, added color to the desktop promotional brochure updated the ABHt Directory and Handbook, reviewed and published the Examination Bulletin for 2008 with George Guess, and submitted a promotional piece for the ABHt for the American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine. They are preparing to proctor the written examination for candidates and are seeking to arrange an official ceremony for all successful candidates at the AIH meeting, October 2008.
HANP – encourages improvement of homeopathic curriculum at naturopathic colleges through the Council of Naturopathic College Homeopathic Educators (CNCHE) . They urge certification by the HANP which is similar in most regards to the CHC process and uses the CHC exam. They participate in homeopathic educational conferences and are planning a web based regional meeting for naturopathic students in 2008. They publish Simillimum semiannually. They advocate with the AANP for health freedom of choice of homeopathic practitioners, whether naturopathic or in other health professions. Website is here.
CHC – A board member attended the 2007 International Council for Homeopathy and CHC may become a member organization for North America. Established a Fast Track Certification for experienced homeopaths exempting them from the written examination process. At the request of the American Medical College for Homeopathy they are investigating the concept of providing certification for homeopathic veterinary assistants. The CHC continues to upgrade educational requirements. New requirements exist for Pathology, Anatomy and Physiology and they are working with Homeopathic Schools to ensure they are aware of these requirements. chcexec@homeopathicdirectory.com
CHE – Accreditation : Two schools are fully accredited, - ACHM and Toronto School of Homeopathic Medicine. Two are in process – Teleosis and Pacific Academy. Continuing Education: Plans are to work with CHC to develop criteria for content, assessment of learning and assurance of consistency with CHC learning goals. Add a formal list and document of criteria to streamline process for course providers and CHE reviewers. Outreach: List of schools verified (35 in U.S. And CA who could potentially get accreditation), letter to update CHE progress sent to schools. Goal for 2008 is to have 5 total schools reviewed for accreditation. Representatives are still needed from NCH and ABHt.
HNA – Formed in 1984, membership spread throughout the U. S., largest number in MA. Lack of funds and energy limits marketing. A recent increase in membership is welcome, with Sue Boyle stepping in as president due to the former president's resignation. Standards of Practice were adopted in 2006, using core elements from many diverse SOPs throughout the U.S. Code of Ethics is now complete. Plans are to complete Scope of Practice policy and to increase membership.
NCH – Continues efforts to increase homeopathic promotion with use of a contracted Media Consultant. Peter Gold is sought out to rebut damaging articles and to create original articles for the media. He directed and arranged for the NCH-sponsored webcast held at the University of Connecticut in which Drs. Rustum Roy, Iris Bell and Andre Saine participated. It is available in video/audio form on the website. Our educational On The Road courses continue throughout the U.S. Invested a half million dollar bequest with interest only to be used for continuance of Homeopathy Today both online and in print. NCH promoted World Homeopathic Awareness Week (WHAW). The website continues to grow and improve in ease of use. NCH has opened its Study Group Lending Library to all members of NCH. We are seeing increased numbers of requests to start a Study Group. NCH sponsors HAA meetings by providing space and lunch at the Annual Conference. Plans are to have filming done at the Conference which will be used for promotion of homeopathy itself to educate consumers, activate enthusiasm, promote and continue important research. Edward Conroy is a new board member while the rest of the members continue as before. Stephen Messer's term ended and he will not continue. He has been on the board for over 20 years. Steven Subotnick needed to resign during the year.
NASH – experienced a 20'% increase in registered members (RSHom (NA). The student liaison program is in its second year and plans call for increased activity in the fostering of tomorrow's homeopaths. American Homeopath will again be published. They are reviewing their grievance process and the Code of Ethics. NASH is a member of the International Council of Homeopathy and a representative attended the inaugural meeting in Germany in October 2007. NASH was represented at the Ontario homeopathic coalition and Canada now has passed C-171 into law, allowing homeopathy to be regulated under the RHPA. The website is improving.
AIH – Dr. Iris Bell, AIH member, Dr. Rustum Roy and Dr. Andre Saine participated in an NCH sponsored webcast at the University of Connecticut. The conference is available online at the AIH and NCH websites. In the new website, AIH is now linked to affiliated organizations, given is a list of courses and teaching programs, as well as a section advertising books written by their members. They have endorsed Dr. Todd Rowe's distant learning program. Letters have been sent regarding articles or other published material speaking against homeopathy.
ABHt – Facilitated the process for three candidates for the Diplomate Examination for certification . Encouraged certification activity, added color to the desktop promotional brochure updated the ABHt Directory and Handbook, reviewed and published the Examination Bulletin for 2008 with George Guess, and submitted a promotional piece for the ABHt for the American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine. They are preparing to proctor the written examination for candidates and are seeking to arrange an official ceremony for all successful candidates at the AIH meeting, October 2008.
HANP – encourages improvement of homeopathic curriculum at naturopathic colleges through the Council of Naturopathic College Homeopathic Educators (CNCHE) . They urge certification by the HANP which is similar in most regards to the CHC process and uses the CHC exam. They participate in homeopathic educational conferences and are planning a web based regional meeting for naturopathic students in 2008. They publish Simillimum semiannually. They advocate with the AANP for health freedom of choice of homeopathic practitioners, whether naturopathic or in other health professions. Website is here.
CHC – A board member attended the 2007 International Council for Homeopathy and CHC may become a member organization for North America. Established a Fast Track Certification for experienced homeopaths exempting them from the written examination process. At the request of the American Medical College for Homeopathy they are investigating the concept of providing certification for homeopathic veterinary assistants. The CHC continues to upgrade educational requirements. New requirements exist for Pathology, Anatomy and Physiology and they are working with Homeopathic Schools to ensure they are aware of these requirements. chcexec@homeopathicdirectory.com
CHE – Accreditation : Two schools are fully accredited, - ACHM and Toronto School of Homeopathic Medicine. Two are in process – Teleosis and Pacific Academy. Continuing Education: Plans are to work with CHC to develop criteria for content, assessment of learning and assurance of consistency with CHC learning goals. Add a formal list and document of criteria to streamline process for course providers and CHE reviewers. Outreach: List of schools verified (35 in U.S. And CA who could potentially get accreditation), letter to update CHE progress sent to schools. Goal for 2008 is to have 5 total schools reviewed for accreditation. Representatives are still needed from NCH and ABHt.
HNA – Formed in 1984, membership spread throughout the U. S., largest number in MA. Lack of funds and energy limits marketing. A recent increase in membership is welcome, with Sue Boyle stepping in as president due to the former president's resignation. Standards of Practice were adopted in 2006, using core elements from many diverse SOPs throughout the U.S. Code of Ethics is now complete. Plans are to complete Scope of Practice policy and to increase membership.
NCH – Continues efforts to increase homeopathic promotion with use of a contracted Media Consultant. Peter Gold is sought out to rebut damaging articles and to create original articles for the media. He directed and arranged for the NCH-sponsored webcast held at the University of Connecticut in which Drs. Rustum Roy, Iris Bell and Andre Saine participated. It is available in video/audio form on the website. Our educational On The Road courses continue throughout the U.S. Invested a half million dollar bequest with interest only to be used for continuance of Homeopathy Today both online and in print. NCH promoted World Homeopathic Awareness Week (WHAW). The website continues to grow and improve in ease of use. NCH has opened its Study Group Lending Library to all members of NCH. We are seeing increased numbers of requests to start a Study Group. NCH sponsors HAA meetings by providing space and lunch at the Annual Conference. Plans are to have filming done at the Conference which will be used for promotion of homeopathy itself to educate consumers, activate enthusiasm, promote and continue important research. Edward Conroy is a new board member while the rest of the members continue as before. Stephen Messer's term ended and he will not continue. He has been on the board for over 20 years. Steven Subotnick needed to resign during the year.
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